May 19, 2010

Write it Down and You're More Likely to Do It

I've noted - on more than one occasion - that when I write something down I tend to gravitate towards getting it done in one form or another.

During my freshman year in college we were told to write ourselves a one-page reflection at the beginning of the year, outlining our goals, dreams, expectations, whatever. I got it back at the beginning of my sophomore year. Lo and behold I had completed all of the things that I'd set out to do. I was so happy, and I almost couldn't believe it. This was the first realization of the workings of the Law of Attraction.

When I was in Ecuador, reminiscing over my days in the U.S. and missing my freedom to cook, be with friends and family, and learn certain skills, I wrote myself a checklist. I created quite a long list of many activities that I wished to pursue when I got back to the U.S. The funny thing was that I looked over my list again today and found that I had not completed all of the things I'd set out to do. Instead, I found that I've been taking subtle steps to begin achieving those tasks/goals. For example, one of the items on my checklist was to learn how to play soccer. I remember asking one of my friends who plays soccer every weekend to teach me. I didn't even remember that it was on my checklist.

I suppose that a written copy of my goals didn't necessarily draw them closer to my grubby hands, but instead reinforced the fact that I wanted to achieve them sometime. Perhaps writing things down makes me more aware of what I want on a subconscious level.

Try it out!
And let me know what happens.

You can:
  • Make checklists
  • Write prose
  • Put pictures together and create a vision board
  • Tell a friend (or beloved pet)
I personally prefer something written because I can look back on it to see the context surrounding the goal, and perhaps if I missed any subtleties in the process. It actually comes as a big shocker when you can read over something and it's true to what is actually happening in your life. Whichever way you do it, recording your goals is bound to help you actively seek more ways to conquer your dreams and make them a reality.

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