May 26, 2010

Networking and the Danger of "Invisible"

There are so many invisible things that we are fighting, creating, and absorbing.

When you know a person’s name you feel more of an affinity towards them. I say that it’s ridiculously important to learn other peoples’ names. When you can use that information, they are instantly in your web. Your networking web, that is. You can ask them questions; shout their name when you see them in dangerous situations; invite them to things. The world grows by one more link.

Physical representations of others are only first impressions, and they say little to nothing about how developed one’s internal characteristics are. People walking past us can be severely ignorant, or perhaps know more languages than we can ever hope to learn in a lifetime. As such, how do we ever find the limits of their knowledge?

We don’t.

All we can do is spend time with them and see if there is any growth or enjoyment to be gained from the relationship. If there is, benefits will come to you in time. If there’s not, then the relationship may not be a healthy one for either of you. But to find out, taking risks by choosing friends outside of your comfort zone is essential.

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