May 2, 2010

Festival for Literacy

What I love about working with kids is I get myself in situations like this, and I don't feel embarrassed at all.

We had our Festival for Literacy today and although there were less children than expected, we still had a great time setting up for the event and encouraging bonding time between Corps Members.

There were fifteen booths in total, and each one had its own theme based on a popular children's book. I was stationed at the "Reading Corner" but actually just bounced around from booth to booth, helping out wherever I was needed, and taking photographs to document the event.

Yay for early childhood literacy!


Adina Michelle said...

I love this Selina, this is so amazing.

Selina said...

Why thank you! But, to clarify, do you mean my pose, the Cat in the Hat cut-out, or the festival for literacy?

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