June 8, 2010

Weekly Goals: Week of June 7th

It's often easy to fall deep into details and trap yourself. It feels like you're working on something important when really your goals are far removed from what you're doing. You forget to put time limits on things that don't matter so that you can spend time on things that do. This is what I'm struggling with right now (as you may have read about earlier). I feel like I'm veering off into multiple directions without satisfying any of my goals (what were they in the first place?).

Here's my plan to combat this negative attitude towards productivity: I'll write a list of what I want to accomplish in the next week. It'll be out here for (potentially) anyone to read.

Creative Expression
-redesign my blog layout
-create a music video to a song (first attempt)
-finish up past three weeks of doodle club entries
-make duct tape body form
-research prices for sewing machine

Scholarly Approach
-check out at least two books from the library (perhaps one in Spanish and one about sewing)
-find Spanish conversation partner

-research volunteer in exchange for lodging locations

This list is by no means complete, but for now it should serve as a launching point for any moments which I find myself busily daydreaming away my productive time.

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